Vol. 127 - NO. 39

Blog Startup CPG

SINCE 2019

Startup CPG Newswire:
Bread SRSLY Announces Launch of New Gum-Free, Rice-Free Sourdough Loaf


Oakland, Calif. (June 1st, 2024)Bread SRSLY (www.breadsrsly.com), a women-led business in the gluten-free baking industry, announces the launch of its latest product: the Gum-Free, Rice-Free Sourdough Loaf. This product is the brand’s first gum-free sourdough loaf and will be available exclusively on their website. The new loaf offers a bread option for those who avoid gums, rice, gluten, and lectins.

The new sourdough loaf is made without the use of common gluten-free ingredients such as xanthan gum, guar gum, or rice flour. Instead, it features a blend of organic, gluten-free, and non-GMO ingredients that are slowly fermented for optimal digestibility. The loaf has a sourdough flavor and a fluffy texture.

“From the beginning, we’ve prioritized best-in-class customer care at Bread SRSLY,” said Sadie Scheffer, Founder and CEO of Bread SRSLY. “So we get to hear from our customers directly about what new products would best serve them. People requested again and again that we create a gum-free loaf, and I’m so excited about the product we came up with. It’s also been amazing to be able to share this with our community of customers and to see the outpouring of support for this new loaf.”

Bread SRSLY is known for producing high-quality, gluten-free bread that maintains flavor and nutrition. All Bread SRSLY products are made in a dedicated gluten-free and top 9 allergen-free bakery. The products are baked to order, made without preservatives, and are vegan, Kosher, and free from refined sugar.

The new Gum-Free, Rice-Free Sourdough Loaf is now available for purchase through the Bread SRSLY website (www.breadsrsly.com).

For more information about Bread SRSLY and its products, visit www.breadsrsly.com and follow @breadsrsly on Instagram.
Contact: hello@breadsrsly.com

About Bread SRSLY

Bread SRSLY is an Oakland-based bakery dedicated to creating delicious, nourishing, gluten-free sourdough bread. Founded in 2011, Bread SRSLY has become a leader in the gluten-free industry, known for its commitment to quality, nourishment, and customer delight. Bread SRSLY’s mission is to reunite people with sourdough when they thought good bread was off the table. The company’s products are made using traditional fermentation methods and organic, non-GMO, ingredients to ensure the best possible flavor and texture.

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