Vol. 127 - NO. 39

Blog Startup CPG

SINCE 2019

Startup CPG Shelfie Awards!

The First Annual Shelfies Awards, proudly sponsored by Survey.com, will recognize the most promising emerging food & beverage brands.

Emmy’s of Emerging Food & Beverage

Our mission at Startup CPG is to elevate emerging food and beverage brands. Since our inception, we have been keenly attentive to the unique challenges and opportunities that 1-5 person emerging CPG brands face. Among these challenges is the cost and labor barrier to nominating products for big-name awards. Yet the recognition of a best-in-class award could be the catalyst to turn an emerging product into a moonshot. Thus, we are delighted to announce the Shelfies, which will award Best-In-Class prizes to the most promising 1-5 person emerging food & beverage brands.

Winners of the 10 Shelfie Awards will be featured in a special edition of The Spotlight magazine, gain unprecedented recognition in the emerging CPG space, and receive exclusive access to Startup CPG’s major industry partnerships.

Nomination Process

Free to apply! Register via our Brand Intake Form and send samples (addresses provided at end of form). If you’ve already entered the database & sent in samples, no need to reapply, you will be automatically considered.

Requirements: Must be a member of the Startup CPG Slack channel. Must be 1-5 person brand to be eligible (some exceptions considered).

Nomination Window: June 2nd – August 1st (samples must be received by Aug 1)

Judging Process: Product samples must be shipped to 2 members of Startup CPG team (addresses provided at end of Brand Intake form). There will be a preliminary judging, which will determine several categories based on the variety of nominees. The judges will pick several finalists in each category, to be announced via Startup CPG social media platforms. A final judging will occur, where a single winner in each category will be selected. We’ll also have a special “best packaging” category judged by our favorite Packaging Clubhouse Hosts, Kirk Visola and Andy Kurtts.

Awarded: September 1st – The Spotlight Special Edition: Shelfie Award Recipients

Winners: Full rights to use award in all marketing materials. Preferred access to Startup CPG’s major industry partnerships. Maybe more! We’ll see :o)

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